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Collect art by Kenya’s leading artists

Artists Policy

Artist Account set up

Your Artist Account must be created and opened in compliance with the rules concerning account and account activity in the Terms of Use. 

In particular:

  • You may not use another user’s account without permission;
  • You may not select an account name that is vulgar, offensive, obscene, or attempts to impersonate another Artist;
  • You may not name your account by using a third party’s trademark; and,
  •  When creating your account, You must provide true, current, accurate and complete information about yourself.

Your Artwork

With respect to Artwork displayed by You in the Art Deli shop through your dashboard, it will be sold according to Your specifications and via the Website only. In addition, unless you elect to opt out of Managed Pricing, Art Deli will manage the pricing of your products. Artwork displayed in shop will not be distributed to third party retailers or distributors for further sale or distribution, unless otherwise agreed by You and

Removal of Artwork and closing of artist account

You may delete Your Artwork from the Art Deli shop or close Your Account at any time, but due to caching or other issues, it may take a number of days for deletions or closures to take effect.

Tags, Product Descriptions, and Labeling and Describing the Artwork and Products in Your Artist Account

By providing high-quality, accurate information, You help Users find Your products quickly and easily.

At the time You post products in Your Account, You will be asked to provide information (title, description, tags, categories) about Your products and Artwork so that visitors to the Art Deli shop can search and find relevant products.

You will make best efforts to provide accurate, non-misleading information about Your products and Artwork and You agree not to submit information unrelated to Your products or Artwork for any purpose. If determines that information is misleading or inaccurate or that it violates these Terms of Use, may inform you to delete such information or the related product entirely, in its sole discretion.

You agree to use the Website and conduct Your Account in a manner that demonstrates common sense and respect for the rights of, other artists, Website users, and third parties and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Here are some of the basic rules for labeling the products in Your Account:

  • Only use accurate and relevant terms that describe the specific products in Your Account.
  • You may not intentionally misspell Your product names (unless such misspelling is part of the Artwork).
  • You may use a short descriptive phrase as a tag if it accurately describes Your product.
  • You may not stuff multiple words into a single tag that do not comprise a descriptive phrase.
  • You should only state what the item is, not what the Product may become or potential uses for the Product.
  • You may not use words that are derogatory.
  • You may not use malicious tags or descriptions.
  • You may not use trademarks you do not own to refer to your Artwork or products.

Termination may take the following actions to enforce the terms of this Artist Account:

  • Send a notification informing You of any offending action, behavior, tag, spam or description, and request that You take corrective action immediately.
  • Make Your product(s) unavailable.
  • In the case of certain repeat offenders, will, in its sole discretion, withhold payment and/or shut down an Artist Account.

Additionally, reserves the right to remove, limit, suspend, or terminate Your account, prohibit access to Your Account and its content, and discontinue its relationship with any users that determines in its sole discretion are in violation of the Terms of Use.


By submitting Artworks to the Website, you authorize to display the artwork, sell and promote the artwork. You also authorize to collect and hold retail prices of all your artwork that are purchased via the website. 

The retail price charged to customers who purchase artworks includes the product price (artist compensation), fee for hosting the marketplace (‘Base Price’), any relevant tax and shipping charges.

You authorize to deduct both the base fee and any shipping charges from the retail price of the product(s) before distributing the remainder (i.e., the Artist Compensation and tax where relevant) to you. 

The Base price will be X% of the total retail price of the product(s).

Payments will be made on a monthly basis, via Mpesa. You are required to provide with Your Mpesa account information.

Orders and Contact Information

For customer orders made in Art Deli shop, may facilitate the sharing of customer information such as e-mail address and shipping address. We expect you to respect the privacy of the information you may receive has not granted you a license to use the information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorized transactions. Remember that you need to comply with all relevant legal rules when you use This includes applicable data protection and privacy laws which govern the ways in which you can use such information that may be shared.

Since Art Deli and you are joint data controllers of personal information, if Art Deli is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify Art Deli for the expenses it occurs in connection with your processing of buyer personal information.

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