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Collect art by Kenya’s leading artists

About us

Art Deli exists to help artists succeed. We are an online art sales platform that connects buyers and artists from around Kenya.

After looking at alternatives

Our journey began in 2020

During the start of the pandemic, we began as an online art gallery to help art aesthetes and collectors to be able to buy art from the comfort of their homes due to the movement restrictions that the pandemic had brought about.

Forest Scape
Mountain Green Scape
A perfect fit for your artistic cravings.

Evolution to a marketplace

Since then, we have evolved into a marketplace full of apparel (t-shirts and hoodies) and home decor (paintings and sculptures). We’re constantly searching for more products for our artists to use as canvases for their best, weirdest, nerdiest, most beautiful art. If you’re an artist, we want your art to be seen everywhere. If you’re a fan, we want you to find art and products that let you celebrate your uniqueness.

Diversity, simplicity and elegance.

Our Values

At Art Deli, our mission is to create a marketplace for artists to showcase their creative work simply and easily.

We love all art and hope the platform we built reflects this. The art marketplace does not only allow you to view artwork or exclusive collections, it’s also a place where art culture thrives. 

Our incredible team are here for you

Kevin Odero

Founder/ Manager
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends."

Robert Ndung'u

Founder/ Technical Lead
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you."

Eric Kobia

Lead Artist / Creative
"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer focus can’t be copied."

Sam Gallagher

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
I’m so happy with the service from Art Deli – my painting was delivered within 48 hours and the thought and care they put into their products really stands out. Plus, their support is just awesome!
Sean Imani
Kilimani, Nairobi
Fabulous sweatshirt bought as a birthday gift for a friend who wears it almost every day. Smart packaging which looks exciting and special. Very good on delivery.
Wanjiru Njau
Donholm, Nairobi

In the press

Affordable and high quality art

We value quality and elegance

Easy 10 days returns

10 days money back guarantee

Convenient Delivery

Right to your doorstep.

100% Secure Checkout

M-Pesa / MasterCard / Visa / PayPal